jQuery Carousel

A lightweight and responsive Carousel. Which uses CSS3 Animations to change slide.

Getting Started


There are a couple of requirements you need to meet before you can use jQuery Animate.css Carousel, those are jQuery library, and 1 of the CSS animation libraries listed below:

If you do not want to use any of the animation libraries, you can use your own animations, created using CSS3 animations properties. But you must not use css positions properties (Position, Top, Left, Right, Bottom).


Installing jQuery Animate.css Carousel is pretty straight forward. Simply include the jQuery, CSS Animation library (eg. Animate.css), jQuery Animate.css Carousel’s JavaScript and CSS file, like so:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/animate.css/3.5.2/animate.min.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/animatecss-carousel.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/animatecss-carousel.js"></script>

Notice the jQuery library I included was google code library, We recommend using latest version.

It is highly recommended that all JavaScript be placed after all your content at the footer of the page, just before the end </body> tag. This ensures that all content is loaded before manipulation of the DOM occurs.



Create a <div> with an ID or Class. And inside of it create seperate <div> for every slides/items.

<!-- HTML -->
<div id="aniCarousel-basic-use">
        <img style="display:block; width:100%; margin:auto;" src="https://webbymage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/plugin-carousel-horizontal-1.jpg" />
        <img style="display:block; width:100%; margin:auto;" src="https://webbymage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/plugin-carousel-horizontal-2.jpg" />
        <img style="display:block; width:100%; margin:auto;" src="https://webbymage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/plugin-carousel-horizontal-3.jpg" />
        <img style="display:block; width:100%; margin:auto;" src="https://webbymage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/plugin-carousel-horizontal-4.jpg" />
        <img style="display:block; width:100%; margin:auto;" src="https://webbymage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/plugin-carousel-horizontal-5.jpg" />

Now activate the jQuery Animate.css Carousel like this


With options

Another example with some options defined.

    animator: 'tuesday',
    animationIn: 'tdStampIn',
    animationOut: 'tdSwingOut',
    loop: true,
    overflow: 'hidden',
    interval: 10,
    paginator: true,
    pauseOnHover: true

With Data Attributes

3 Special features of this Carousel is that you can give unique Animations for In and Out. And, You can also deifine duration for each slide. To do these, jQuery Animate.css Carousel give you 3 data attributes.

  1. data-acc-in – In animation for the slide/item.
  2. data-acc-out – Out animation for the slide/item.
  3. data-acc-duration – Duration (in seconds) of how long the slide will show when autoplay is set to ‘true’.
<!-- HTML -->
<div id="aniCarousel-with-dataattributes">
    <div data-acc-in="fadeIn" data-acc-out="fadeOut" data-acc-duration="5" >
        <img style="display:block; width:100%; margin:auto;" src="https://webbymage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/plugin-carousel-horizontal-1.jpg" />
    <div data-acc-in="bounceIn" data-acc-out="bounceOut" data-acc-duration="6" >
        <img style="display:block; width:100%; margin:auto;" src="https://webbymage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/plugin-carousel-horizontal-2.jpg" />
    <div data-acc-in="flipInX" data-acc-out="flipOutX" >  <!--  data-acc-duration isn't defined. It will be using 'interval' from Options -->
        <img style="display:block; width:100%; margin:auto;" src="https://webbymage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/plugin-carousel-horizontal-3.jpg" />
    <div data-acc-in="lightSpeedIn" > <!--  data-acc-out isn't defined. It will be using 'animationOut' from Options -->
        <img style="display:block; width:100%; margin:auto;" src="https://webbymage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/plugin-carousel-horizontal-4.jpg" />
    <div data-acc-out="lightSpeedOut" > <!--  data-acc-in isn't defined. It will be using 'animationIn' from Options -->
        <img style="display:block; width:100%; margin:auto;" src="https://webbymage.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/plugin-carousel-horizontal-5.jpg" />

Note: You might still want to define animationIn, animationOut and interval, so if you do not define any of the Data attributes, script will take values from these 3 options.

    animationIn: "zoomIn",
    animationOut: "zoomOut",
    interval: 5,

    loop: true,
    overflow: 'hidden',
    paginator: true,
    pauseOnHover: true,

Use of methods

Note: You must init the carousel $('selector').aniCarousel(); before calling any of the following methods.

Options and Methods

Available options and methods :

Name type default description
animator string ‘animate’ CSS Animation library name.

  • animate – Animate.css
  • motion – motion.css
  • tuesday – Tuesday
  • magic – Magic
  • repaintless – Repaintless.css
  • dynamic – Dynamic.css
  • cssanimation – cssanimation.io
  • wicked – wickedCSS
  • obnoxious – Obnoxious.CSS

Type false if you aren’t using any Library

animationIn string ‘slideInLeft’ An animation name from the Animation Library to run when an item/slide going to Show. Wrong name would cause no movement in the carousel.
animationOut string ‘slideOutRight’ An animation name from the Animation Library to run when an item/slide going to Hide. Wrong name would cause no movement in the carousel.
autoplay boolean false Whether the carousel should auto slide.
pauseOnHover boolean false Whether the carousel should stop cycling when mouse/cursor is entered/hovered.
loop boolean false Whether the carousel should cycle continuously or have hard stops.
interval integer 5 The amount of time in seconds to delay between automatically cycling an item.
paginator boolean false Show/Hide dot pagination.
navigator boolean true Show/Hide Left and Right (or Top and Bottom for vertical) arrow buttons.
nextBtn html Accepts HTML to replace the arrow for Next button.
prevBtn html AcceptsHTML to replace the arrow for Previous button.
swipe boolean false Weather enable/disable the Touch Swipe support.
vertical boolean false Weather show the carousel as Vertical.
overflow string use hidden if you do not want the animation to be seen outside the container of Carousel.
afterInit callback
afterInit: function(object){}
Executes right after Carousel is created. Passes object – is carousel itself.
beforeChange callback
beforeChange: function([active_slide, next_slide]){}
Executes before moving to next slide. Passes array of active_slide – active slide and next_slide – next slide.
afterChange callback
afterChange: function([active_slide]){}
Executes after moved to next slide. Passes array of active_slide – moved slide.
Note: You must init the carousel $('selector').aniCarousel(); before calling any of the following methods.
next method
Moves to next.
previous method
Moves to previous.
to method
$('#aniCarousel').aniCarousel('to', integer);
Moves to the given numbered slide.
play method
Starts autoplay
stop method
Stops autoplay
destroy method
Method to destroy the carousel.

CSS Style

List of CSS Classes to change styles

.aniCarousel {

    .aniCarousel-inner {


        .aniCarousel-item {


            .aniCarousel-item.active {


    .aniCarousel-navigator {


        .aniCarousel-navigator.aniCarousel-prev {


        .aniCarousel-navigator.aniCarousel-next {


            .aniCarousel-prev-icon {


                .aniCarousel-prev-icon:hover {


    .aniCarousel-paginator {


        .aniCarousel-paginator-pager {


            .aniCarousel-paginator-pager.selected {




    .aniCarousel-vertical .aniCarousel-navigator{


        .aniCarousel-vertical .aniCarousel-navigator.aniCarousel-prev {


        .aniCarousel-vertical .aniCarousel-navigator.aniCarousel-next {


            .aniCarousel-vertical .aniCarousel-prev-icon,
            .aniCarousel-vertical .aniCarousel-next-icon {


    .aniCarousel-vertical .aniCarousel-paginator {


        .aniCarousel-vertical .aniCarousel-paginator-pager {
